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Oneness of god essay

Oneness of god essay

oneness of god essay

As one author who espouses this belief states, “In reference to God, oneness means the state of being absolutely and indivisibly one, or one in numerical blogger.coms (capitalized) [is God longed to teach us of His own Oneness, and through marriage, we can get a glimpse into the Awesomeness of God. In marriage, the husband learns to lay down his life for his wife as 20/11/ · The essay will focus upon the first person of the trinity, God the Father. There is a presupposition that God is knowable, yet not discoverable by human reason. God is known

Defining The Oneness of God

Before I try to explain an infinite God with my finite brain, I will bring this verse to mind: Proverbs states, ''Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. The best way to explain the Trinity is not with a statement, but oneness of god essay a question. If l were to take an egg, and crack the shell in half, oneness of god essay, oneness of god essay then use a strainer to separate the white and the yoke, then, if I set all three parts down separately on the counter, there would be three different things, with three completely unique characteristics.

The shell is the protective coat, the white is the nutrition for the growing chicken, and the yoke is the thick protein substance that becomes the chicken. The question, then, is: Which one is the egg? Most people would probably want to say. Well, the yoke is the most important, and oneness of god essay it is the egg. Without the yoke there could be no chicken. Without the white, it could never survive, and without the shell, it is breakfast. So then, the egg is all three put into one. There is only one egg, but it consists of three parts. I believe that examples such as the egg, and other examples such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, reveal the characteristics of God Almighty.

The properties found throughout the Universe in Quantum Physics, etc. I and many others believe that these attributes are all the fingerprint of God, revealing His divine characteristics, oneness of god essay. Paul even before we saw such evidences in nature said: For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-- his eternal power and divine nature-- have been clearly seen, being understood from what as been made, so that men are without excuse RomNIV. Of what our finite brains can understand, oneness of god essay, God is much like the egg, only on an infinite scale. God is three unique persons, known as The Father, oneness of god essay, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Very clearly, throughout the Bible, God declares that there is only one God, see Isaiahand yet all three are referred to as God.

In RevelationJesus takes the same title of First and Last that God the Father declared for Himself in the passage in Isaiah. How many firsts and lasts can there be?. Order custom essay The Trinity: The Oneness of God with free plagiarism report. Then, in 2 Corinthiansthe Spirit oneness of god essay identified as the Lord, and we know then, that he must be one with Christ, for in 1 CorinthiansPaul states that there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. It also speaks of reaping eternal oneness of god essay from the Spirit, Galatianswhich puts Him in equality with God, for only God oneness of god essay give eternal life. Like the egg, each part, member, form, or oneness of god essay for lack of any sufficient words of the Trinity has His own unique features, but if you took one away, a vital piece would be missing.

The Father loves the Son Johnthe Oneness of god essay loves the Father, The Spirit loves Them both and vice versa. This is why God is not an egoist. During His life on earth, Christ always pointed oneness of god essay finger toward God the Father, to glorify Him. Then, after the resurrection, The Father gave His glory to Christ, and whenever you see the Holy Spirit at work, He will always focus the attention to what Christ did on the cross. They work together in perfect unity, oneness of god essay, for they are One, but they are distinct in the actions and characteristics that we see. One of the most unique examples, however, that God has given us of His own divine nature, of His own Oneness, is that of marriage:. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

God is not alone even though He was before anything; He was never alone. When He created man, He said that it was "not good for man to be alone," and created a "help-meet" Strong's, an ally or helper suitable for man Gen. And scripture declares, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh" GenNIV. In this simple aspect, God's infinite and divine Oneness is foreshadowed by the example of marriage that God has given us. However, marriage is but a glimpse--a picture--a shadow, of the Oneness that is found in the Trinity. We were created in His image, but we are but a vague reflection.

Amazingly, through marriage, we learn to be unselfish, to serve another person, to become one with another person. God longed to teach us of His own Oneness, and through marriage, we can get a glimpse into the Awesomeness of God. In marriage, the husband learns to lay down his life for his wife as Christ laid down His life for the church, and the wife learns to submit to her husband like Christ submitted to the Father, and said, "… yet not my will, but Yours be done" LukeNIV when He suffered on the cross. So, each spouse learns to die to their own desires for the sake of their spouse, and through this we are taught of the Oneness of God, oneness of god essay.

A marriage done the right way, teaches each spouse of the Oneness and the unselfish nature of God Himself. We truly are fearfully and wonderfully made Ps. Therefore, if you want to understand the Oneness of God, get married and lay down your life for your spouse. Lay down your selfish desires, learn to serve someone else's desires above your own, and then you will catch oneness of god essay small glimpse at our infinite God. Do not take what I have said to turn marriage into a "form of" the Trinity, for it is not the same thing, for it is finite and temporary. Rather, marriage is but shadow, a reflection, a glimpse into the Eternal, a glimpse at "I AM THAT I AM, The Almighty God.

God is infinite, uncreated, and we will forever be finite and created beings, can something created become an uncreated eternal being--I think not. Only God "was, is, and is to come. I have put only a few verses above, and have not made the best argument for the Trinity since my goal is not proving the "existence of," but in helping with the "understanding of. Read 1 Corinthians Some verses that may be helpful are Isaiahwhere God constantly says that there is only one God--Period. Then, Johnwhich is one of the most self explanatory passages--" and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word became flesh. Isaiah says that the Father alone stretched out the Heavens, but Christ is also acredited with the same work, so how was he alone unless they are one.

Other points of interest would be IsaiahJohnMal. Now, these are just some of the verses that I compiled in about 10 minutes doing key word searches. Reading the Bible, I have found innumerable verses that reveal the Trinity. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Did you know that we have over 70, essays on 3, oneness of god essay, topics in our database? Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. The Trinity: The Oneness of God. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, May 01, Accessed December 4, comMay The writing of Karen Armstrong actually notes the human views of the existence of God in three oneness of god essay designs of religious belief in society today, namely that of Judaism, Christianity.

When one looks at the atrocities in the world today and the example used by Johnson of the innocent infant burned in a building, a common reaction is empathy and. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Houston reveals the injustice of life as an African-American female during the early 20th century. Through narration, Houston sheds light upon the. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, your dreams, ambition, oneness of god essay, and even your happiness. To know why you are on. Analyzing the poem by John Donne closely, we can see that he used a lot of figures of speech in order to convey what he feels. In the first line. From the most ancient oneness of god essay history of mankind, as well as from the oldest relics of antiquity that we have been able to obtain, it appears that in every age.

In aiming to discuss the possibility oneness of god essay the existence of miracles, oneness of god essay, it is important to define to some extent the meaning of what a miracle is. Some people view miracles. Devotion bhakti to God animates many selections from Hindu scriptures in our anthology Fisher and Bailey, pp. Devotion or bhakti is an enlightened and powerful path that would help. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Home Page Religion God The Trinity: The Oneness of God, oneness of god essay.

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Oneness Of God Essay Sample

oneness of god essay

Nielsen’s argument is based on the same idea as Kant and Tolstoy’s argument, that there is a lack of factual evidence for God’s existence however, he comes to a different conclusion. What Is Oneness? The Oneness of God refers to the “ singleness ” of God; that there is only one God and that there was no God before him or after him (Isaiah ). Therefore, this The knowledge of the oneness of God is not just for the Perfect Man but one who receives the idea and is affected by it. But it is through striving to be the Perfect Man that this can happen.

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