Sunday, December 4, 2022

The sea essay

The sea essay

the sea essay

3/01/ · The tone of the poem is tranquil, providing the soothing effect of the sea. The sea is seen as a benign great force of nature and this is emphasised more instead of the roughness. Polar Bears and Climate Change. The coldest continent is melting. If Antarctica’s large ice sheets melted, the sea level would rise greatly. If all the ice covering Antarctica were to melt, sea level 28/11/ · Old Man and the Sea Essay In Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, a Cuban man named Santiago goes out on a fishing voyage trying to break his bad luck

Essay On Sea | Paragraph On Sea – My Study Times

The sea essay Earth is basically covered with seas and oceans at its Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere have almost comparable portion of land and water. There is a difference of temperature and salinity at different portions of the sea such as the sea essay different depths and different areas, the sea essay. This differences produces deep sea currents. Also surface currents are formed by friction of waves produced by the wind and by tides, changes in the local sea level produced by gravity of The Moon and the Sun. Sea is a the sea essay of treasure in the form of uncountable life forms of which a lot more are yet to be discovered. Also it is a storehouse of minerals, the sea essay. Sea is a very mysterious place and due to its vast nature it always drives human beings curious about it.

The nature of sea is different at different places because of various geographical features surrounding it. At some places the salinity is so high that human beings do not drown in that sea. And of course no living thing can survive. The seas and oceans are the reservoir of the the sea essay important ingredient in our food. The sea provides livelihood to many fishermen and villages on the seashore. The sea is home to a lot of life forms of which some are very important for humans because of its high demand and nutrition. For example fishes, the sea essay, shellfish, mammals and seaweed.

These are both harvested from wild and farmed. The sea contains some form of life or the other at every part. Of course the sunlit areas are very less in deep sea. Also the penetration of light is effected by turbidity of water, surface tides, etc. So the sea vegetation is adapted to photosynthesis at minimal light available to them. The same goes to some fishes and other marine animal, the sea essay. The oxygen the sea essay also very scarce in deep seawater. Essential aspect of human life such as trade, culture, travel, the sea essay, power generation and mineral extraction are provided by the sea, the sea essay. Sea is important during warfare too.

Sea imposes many weather conditions on the earth such as hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, etc. mainly at lands the sea essay are in direct contact with the sea. These areas are very vulnerable to earthquakes especially if the epicenter is in the middle of the sea. Same goes for winds and storms. Earlier killing of whales was not done judiciously. The fish oil is used for many purposes. This had led to lessening in the number of the whale fish. So now it is not legal to kill whales above a certain limit. The sea is exploited a lot for mineral extraction too.

This again seems to exhaust the resources available. So now boundaries have been given to the major countries who are dependent on the sea for resources in the form of few hundred nautical miles counted from their land. Exploiting resources beyond that limit is illegal. Before the imposing of these laws overfishing was also a problem but not now. Then, releasing of industrial sewages and waste products containing harmful chemicals also effects the marine life available. Global warming have also effected marine life by increasing the temperature of the seawater and oceans. This increase however small have resulted in lowering of availability of dissolved oxygen. And so the marine animals are affected by it very much. The sea finds a special mentioning in our tradition and folk tales too.

The tales of pirates, traders losing their treasure somewhere at the middle of the ocean or sea is common. Even in our religious Scriptures or epics, there is special mentioning of sea. So overall we can say that seas and oceans have a lot of secrets still not unveiled properly by humans. It will continue to amuse humans as he will try to reveal those secrets one by one. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Our Story Team Contact Us Privacy Policy Advertise With Us.

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Essay on Sunday: Surrendering to the sea | The Spinoff

the sea essay

Polar Bears and Climate Change. The coldest continent is melting. If Antarctica’s large ice sheets melted, the sea level would rise greatly. If all the ice covering Antarctica were to melt, sea level 28/11/ · Old Man and the Sea Essay In Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, a Cuban man named Santiago goes out on a fishing voyage trying to break his bad luck The poem “The Sea,” by James Reeves, presents to the reader a whole new different and imaginative view of the sea. You would expect that the sea and a dog are two completely

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